“Citi Movement was written by Wynton Marsalis for Griot New York, a modern ballet choreographed by Garth Fagan. Its premier performance at the Brooklin Academy of Music in 1991 was received by cheering audiences and drew praising rewiews. With this recording the music stands quite tall alone and now does its own dances. The three-part composition uses jazz to render the feeling of a city, the waves and wages of history, and the emotional references connected to styles and rythmic grooves. In keeping with the leasury, sequestered situations in wich jazz composers do their work, free of intrusians from the external world, this extended piece was written in a month, while the Marsalis band was on the road, performing every night and giving master classes in the daytime. Herb Harris was playing soprano anda tenor saxophones while Citi Movement was composed: ‘It was crazy. Amazing. We were working all these gigs and Wynton was giving this talks and instructions to students musicians during the day, running to get some food before the concert anda going into this room every night to compose. It shocked all of us. With all he had to do, you wouldn´t have expected him to come up with this kind of music. But there it is’.
Não estou exagerando quando afirmo que se trata de um dos melhores cds de jazz que já tive a oportunidade de ouvir. Se fosse para escolher uma faixa com certeza ficaria com a última do primeiro CD, “Spring Yaoundé”, que traz Eric Reed ao piano e o próprio Marsalis num dueto de arrepiar…
Wynton Marsalis - Trumpete
Todd Williams - Sax.Tenor & Soprano
Wes Anderson - Sax. Alto
Wycliffe Gordon - Trombone
Reginald Veal - Baixo
Herlin Riley - Bateria
Eric Reed - Piano
Herb Harris - Sax. Tenor (“I see the Light (Instrumental & “Curtain Call)
Marthaniel Roberts - Piano (“Marthaniel”, “The End”, “Swingdown, Swintown” & “Curtan Call”)
CD 1
01 - Hustle Bustle
02 - City Beat
03 - Daylight Dinosaurs
04 - Down The Avenue
05 - Stop And Go
06 - Nightlife-Highlife (Yas, Yas)
07 - How Long?
08 - I See The Light (Vocal Version)
09 - I See The Light (Instrumental Version)
10 - Duway Dialogue
11 - Dark Heart Beat
12 - Cross Court Capers
13 - Bayou Baroque
14 - Marthaniel
15 - Spring Yaoundé
Download Here - Click Aqui CD1
CD 2
01 - The End
02 - The Legend Of Buddy Bolden
03 - Swingdown, Swingtown
04- Highrise Riff
05 - Modern Vistas (As Far As The Eye Can See)
06 - Curtain Call
Download Here - Click Aqui CD2
Boa audição - Namastê.
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